Friday, January 26, 2007

Task Three-Photo Sharing

Photo sharing is nothing new to me. I have had to use a Flickr account before for an avatar on a site. I was rather surprise that we were using Photobucket for this task. I found it to be easy to use but I think Flickr has more features. My photo album isn't that big but I hope you enjoy it. I used the URL (universal resource locator) from Photobucket to upload this picture. The other pictures on this blog I did from the computer. I have been surprise by how much the staff are getting into the Library 2.0 project. I think this staff day will be remembered for a while for this project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You weren't required to use PhotoBucket, we just used the instructions on that one as Flickr requires you to have a Yahoo ID and we didn't want to get into that potential mess. Great photos!